・You will TYPE IN EVERY LINE of code with me in the videos. I EXPLAIN every line of code to help you learn! (どのコードも講義を見ながら試しに書いてみましょう。あなたの学習の役に立つようにどのコードも説明します)
・LEARN key Spring 5 features: Core, Annotations, Java Config, AOP, Spring MVC, Hibernate and Maven (Springの5つの特徴(Core、Annotations、Java Config, AOP , Spring MVC, Hibernate and Maven )について学びます)
・I am a RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR … post your questions and I will RESPOND in 24 hours. (質問を貰ったら24時間以内に返信をします)
・POPULAR VIDEOS for: Spring Boot 2, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data REST and Thymeleaf (Spring Boot2, Spring Security, Spring Rest・・・などの人気のビデオです)
・Join an ACTIVE COMMUNITY of 215,000+ students that are already enrolled! Over 55,000+ Reviews – 5 STARS (21万5千人以上の生徒がすでに登録しているコミュニティーに参加してください! 5万5千件以上のレビューがあります。)
ベストセラー 評価: 4.6(5段階中) 58330件の評価) 231949人の受講生
Udemy 講師
Chad Darby
Chád (shod) Darby is an author, instructor and speaker in the Java development world. Chád is a contributing author to several Java books, including Professional Java E-Commerce (Wrox Press), Beginning Java Networking (Wrox Press), and XML and Web Services Unleashed (Sams Publishing). Chád has Java certifications from Oracle and IBM.
Too much detail in topic, gets very boring. (Springの講義内容が細かすぎて退屈です)
Just added lot of small videos just to show course covers large content. It makes the course boring. If one video covers the whole concept (theoretical + practical parts), it would have been more interesting and may have got much attention. (Spring内容を細かく分けてるだけです。そのせいで退屈な気分になります。もし、一つのビデオで全体像が分かるならもっと面白いだろうし、気を引く内容になるかもしれないです。)
If you are new to Spring framework you are at the right place. Chad explains each and every topic in such a manner that even a non IT background student could understand about this framework. I am completely satisfied with this course.. (Springフレームワークを新しく学ぶなら、とても良い講義です。講師の方はITを学んだことがない人でも理解できるように説明してくれます。私はこの講義に満足しました。)
For me was this the best course about spring and spring boot. Chat Darby explains everything very precisely and all exercises are very easy to understand. I learned a lot with this course! (Spring(boot)を学びたい私にとってベストな講義でした。講師の方は正確に教えてくれて、理解しやすいです。この講義でたくさんのことを学びました!)